It’s Food Revolution Day!

Happy Food Revolution Day!

This weekend, take some time to make a home-cooked meal, plan how you’ll get to the farmers’ market, start your kitchen garden, or go foraging for some wild goodies!

I’ve celebrated the day by going to the farmers’ market this morning, helping a young neighbor pick her first strawberries, enjoying some homemade bread, and scheming about this week’s meal plan (more asparagus delights!).

Oh, and we also spent 2.5 hours riding bikes at this event — not exactly food-related, but still revolutionary! Over 550 people came out for this — it’s really great to see your community overrun with bikes (and yes, I won a prize!)!  It was a little glimpse of the future…

As an additional offering for this revolutionary day, I’d like to share a documentary called “A Farm for the Future” produced by the BBC.  It might be the first mainstream documentary about permaculture, and it’s a great overview of why our current food system cannot/will not go on indefinitely. It also provides a positive vision about how permaculture could help provide the new direction we move in to feed ourselves (and to better care for the Earth in general!).  Enjoy!

And remember to vote with your fork!